Decisions & Determination
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | Bronze | 96” x 60” x 24”
The path to becoming a vibrant city was not a straight line for Oklahoma City, which faced unexpected challenges and opportunities that required confidence in making difficult decisions and the ability to persevere when the “going got tough.” Brad Oldham depicts this organic path using twisted rails in this sculpture called Decisions. Oldham molded and referenced a salvaged section of rail from the MKT Railroad. This bronze sculpture works in tandem with the companion sculpture, Determination, which is comprised of bronze dancing bricks. Together, the pair of sculptures celebrates the heartfelt work invested into making this city work.
Pioneers built Oklahoma City brick by brick with dogged determination, to make a home of this rugged land. Brad Oldham researched and purchased historic bricks made in Oklahoma as inspiration and models for the bronze bricks in this installation. He sought to elevate the craft of brickwork into a fine art to honor the sheer grit of the city’s forefathers. Determination is the companion sculpture to Decision, a lost-wax bronze sculpture of twisted rail. It took both confidence and unflinching determination to create the city where these sculptures stand today.